Zekai is a toy programming language for hobbyists and enthusiasts.
Its simple source code (150 lines) and modern syntax can serve as a basis for building new programming languages.
Download zekai.zip, extract it and open the file zekai-dev.html.
Or Try it online.
Type in the following zekai code:
n == 0? 0
n == 1? 1
fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
main() {
i = 2 + 2
alert('your lucky number is:' + fib(i))
- Press F8 or Shift+Enter to run.
Next code is more complex:
has(g i j): i >= 0 & i < size(g) & j >= 0 & j < size(g[i])? g[i][j] 0
add(a b): a + b
grid = to(40).map(\:to(40).map(\:rand(2)))
io(canvas(200 200) \in out:
grid <- grid.map(\row i: row.map(\c j {
n = range(~1 2).map(\a: range(~1 2).map(\b:
!a & !b? 0 has(grid i+a j+b)
v = n == 2? c n == 3? 1 0
fill(out v? '#fd0' 'black' j*5 i*5 5 5)
# Utility functions
size (v): v.length
rand (n): Math.floor(Math.random() * n)
range (i n): n >= 0? Array(n-i).join(' ').split(' ').map(\e v: v+i) []
to (n): range(0 n)
# Output functions
canvas(w h) {
c = document.createElement('canvas')
c.width <- w
c.height <- h
io(out main) {
animate() {
main({} out)
fill(out c x=0 y=0 w=out.width h=out.height a=1 blend='') {
q = out.getContext('2d')
q.globalAlpha <- a
q.globalCompositeOperation <- blend
q.fillStyle <- c
q.fillRect(x y w h)
Whitespace is not significative
Identifiers matches the regex
Line comments starts with
Literal Example ECMAScript Number 7
(same) String 'awesome'
(same) Array [1 2 3]
Object { x=1 y=2 }
{ x:1, y:2 }
Function \a b c: 0
function(a,b,c) { return 0; }
A program is a set of definitions
A definition is an identifier and an expression, written:
id = expr
Optionally, the definition of a function expression can be written as:
id = \a b c: expr
id(a b c): expr # better
- The body of a function can be either a single expression, or a block of expressions.
foo(a b): a + b
bar(a b) {
Commas and semi-colons are not necessary, but can be used to improve readability
Let expressions are a definition and an expression (
id = expr expr
). Example:
a = 2 + 2
Let expressions in blocks are also valid:
main() {
a = 2 + 2
- A struct is syntactic sugar for a function that returns an object with the arguments as fields
foo(a b): { a=a b=b }
bar(a b)@
foo = \i=0 j=0 @
- Conditional expressions
cond? true false
. Example:
main() {
print(1? 2 3) # 2
print(0? 2 3) # 3
- Negative numbers are written with operator
, example:
abs(a): a < 0? ~a a
- Updates uses the symbol
. (see Notes)
main() {
s = ''
s <- prompt()
# ECMAScript
function main() {
var s = '';
s = prompt();
Finally, operators that behave like ECMAScript:
Operator Symbol Arithmetic + - * / %
Relational == != >= <= > <
Not !
Logical ``` Call ()
Index []
Field .
Refer to the source code grammar for details.
Zekai project is composed of the following files:
File name | Description |
zekai | source code |
zekai.js | source code compiled to ECMAScript |
zekai-dev.html | editor |
README.md | this file |
Zekai was created as a project for personal study. Becoming mature, it may serve as a basis for creating new programming languages.
Zekai should compile to WebAssembly, since it is not here yet, the best option is ECMAScript.
There is no need to introduce a new -standard- library. Better choose an existing library which fits the needed functionality.
Structs instead of classes emphasize there is no inheritance.
There are not keywords.
should never be referred, unless working with an ECMAScript library. -
There is no
idiom. To call ECMAScript library functions use:
new(class args=[]) {
obj = { __proto__ = class.prototype }
class.apply(obj args)
Use a strategy to encapsulate side-effects (for example; forbid them outside of main).
Code should be written to be statically type inferred.
Static check analysis can be done by formatting the compiled ECMAScript and then using Flow.
The implementation of the compiler translates Zekai code to ECMAScript.
(Zekai works on any ECMAScript environment)
A raw way to run Zekai code on a browser environment without using the editor:
<script src="zekai.js"></script>
eval(zekai.program('main(): alert(0)')).main()
- To run Zekai code in a Node environment:
// ECMAScript
var read = function(path, onload) { return require('fs').readFile(path, onload); };
read('zekai.js', function(err, data) {
read(arguments[2], function(err, data) {
Another option is to save the compiled output, and load it as regular ECMAScript.
The output of compiling the file zekai is the content of zekai.js.
To get the compiled ECMAScript run:
Pure code is portable on virtual machines.
To write portable impure code, a layer/library is needed.
It is not possible to know beforehand what kind of IO actions the software needs.
Source files should start with
and end with`
to bypass the browser's local file access restriction.
Zekai is MIT-licensed.