
Node-RED Portable Version via Electron

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Node-RED Portable Version via Electron

Node-RED source: https://github.com/node-red/node-red




Follow these instructions if you want to build from scratch

First you will need to have Node and NPM installed, to confirm:

\\> node -v
\\> npm -v

(above were used for development, exact versions may not be critical)

To begin, clone the repository and open it.

git clone https://github.com/mdkrieg/nodered-portable.git
cd nodered-portable

Then install dependencies using NPM.

npm install

Then, if that completes successfully run the make script.

npm run make

This will save the compiled program to the "./out" directory (creating if needed).

If the above fails you may need to install windows build tools using Administrator Prompt

npm install -g windows-build-tools

For Mac OS or Linux

Currently I have only needed this for Windows but to build for other targets, research Electron Forge (https://www.electronforge.io/), and look into the following configuration in the package.json:

"config": {
  "forge": {
    "make_targets": {
      "win32": [

These are the "make_targets" listed in the default package.json:

"make_targets": {
  "win32": [
  "darwin": [
  "linux": [