
MGS name generator.

Primary LanguagePython


General Use

MGS name generator is a python script that tries to randomly creates MGS staff names. Note that all first and second names might not be present. Tested on GNU/Linux with Python 2.7.10.

To run, use ./metal_name_generator.py [options] or python metal_name_generator.py [options], you may need to make the script executable with chmod +x metal_name_geneartor.py.

Several options are available:

  • -h is for the built in help.
  • -e for a larger than usual list of first and second names.
  • -n # to create more than one name at the time, where # is the number of names to be generated.
  • -f [files.ext] is one or more files to add first names to the generation process. Each name should be on a single line.
  • -l [files.ext] is one or more files to add last names to the generation process. Each name should be on a single line.
  • -s "sep" is the separator to be used instead of a whitespace, where sep is what will be used. The quotes are not absolutely necessary but will help make sure the script gets the correct value. For example, you might use -s "_" to have the first and last name separated by an underscore.

Module use

MGS name generator could be used as a module to return the generated names in a list. The main fucntion to use is main(count, seperator, extended). count (int) will change how much names are generated, seperator ("string") will decide how spaces are returned and extended (boolean) will decide if the extended lists are used.

To add files to the extended list, see the first_files and last_files lists. Each file added after the first one will be added when extended=True.

To use:

import metal_name_generator

names_list = metal_name_generator.main(1, " ", True)
print names_list[0]
>> Punching Hog

This example will first import the script, then generate a single name with a space as a seperator and the extended names.