
JavaScript Muz is a series about problem-solving using JavaScript and its built-in methods and objects. It's beginner-friendly, but it requires basic JavaScript knowledge to make the most of it. It can help you build logic and prepare for interviews.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Javascript Muz

  1. Calculator Program (+, - , *, /)

  2. Print Data type (number,boolean etc.) and how to identify array

  3. Program to print each vowel on a new line and then consonants on a new line in the same order as appeared in string

input- javascript muz output - a a i u j v s c r p t m z

  1. Palindrome Check String

  2. Sort a string //bcad - abcd

  3. Maximum and Minimum Number in Array ?

  4. Duplicate an Array & How to empty an array ?

  5. Reversing a Number without converting it to string

  6. FizzBuzz Array, Takes a number as input and returns an array, In this array If number is divisible by 3, replace it with Fizz, If a number is divisible by 5, replace it with Buzz, If a number is divisible by both, replace it with FizzBuzz Else it should be simple number

  7. Array Intersection problem, Take 2 Arrays as input and return a Array which has common element from previous arrays input - [1,2,3,4,5],[2,5,7,8,9] output - [2,5]

  8. Remove duplicates in array input - [1,2,3,"hello",3,2,"hello"] output - [1,2,3,"hello"]

  9. Display Likes input - [] // no one likes this input - ["monis"] // monis likes this input - ["monis","kunal"] // monis and kunal likes this input - ["monis","Anurag","Gajendra"] // monis, Anurag and Gajendra likes this input - ["monis","kunal","Anurag","Amit","Gajendra"] // monis. kunal and 3 others likes this

  10. Display Missing Number (From 1 to n, consecutive numbers) where n is the largest number input - [1,2,3,4,6,7] // 5 input - [9,8,7,5,4,3,2,1] // 6

  11. Reverse Each Word in string :- input - javascript muz is a cool playlist output - tpircsavaj zum si a looc tsilyalp

  12. Capitalize first letter of each word in string :- input - i love kaju katli output - I Love Kaju Katli

  13. return first n elements of array

  14. return last n elements of array

  15. Sum of all elemets in array