TeleportHotkey - Teleport Using Hotkey

[ Compatibility ]

  • Graveyard Keeper 1.404
  • Tested with All DLC Installed
    • Should work without DLC too

[ Compilation ]

[ Instructions ]

To compile this project, it requires several references. Because these are linked to a specific location on the system where the compilation is done.

So to make it work on your system you must most likely alter these references. Or being more precise: alter the location of where the referenced DDL-files are stored, being %game_path%\Graveyard Keeper_Data\Managed.

The game specific DLL's that are referenced in this mod are:

  • Assembly-CSharp.dll
  • Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll
  • SmartBearAssembly.dll
  • UnityEngine.dll
  • UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
  • UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule.dll
  • UnityEngine.UI.dll
  • 0Harmony.dll

The last one will only be present after QModManager is installed, the rest are included with the game itself.

Assuming that you are using Visual Studio to compile this project, you can just:

  • Go to the Solution Explorer
  • Right click the References item (located under the TeleportHotkey project)
  • Click Add Reference
  • Click Browse
  • Navigate to the %game_path%\Graveyard Keeper_Data\Managed\ folder
  • Add all the DLL's specified above. (you can use ctrl to select multiple files at once)
  • Click Ok to confirm adding the files
  • This will in fact not re-add the same references, but rather update the paths of the ones that were already listed
  • Once this is done, you should be able to build the project
  • This will result in a new compiled .DLL file, called TeleportHotkey.dll, located in:
    • %project_path%/bin/Debug - when running a Debug build
    • %project_path%/bin/Release - when running a Release build

[ Output ]

  • Compiles to %repo_path%/TeleportHotkey/bin/debug/TeleportHotkey.dll

For the proper functioning of the mod, three additional files are required, which can be found in TeleportHotkey/files/:

[ Additional files ]

  • mod.json, a file required for QModManager, containing version info among others.
  • config.txt, can also be automatically generated (see Installation)
  • Alias.txt (see Installation)

[ Installation ]

  1. Make sure QModManager is installed and configured properly.
  2. Create a new directory named TeleportHotkey in the Qmods directory in your Graveyard Keepers.
  3. Copy all (either 3 or 4) files mentioned in the previous section to the that directory (%game_path%\QMods\TeleportHotkey\).
  4. If you decided to copy the config.txt file manually, the mod will now work with the default values.

[ Configuration ]

Configuration of the mod can be done by manually changing the configuration values in the config.txt file.

[ Credits ]

antiftw / AntiFTW for the README boilarplate