Emby Notification System

A simple Flask application that sends notifications to Telegram whenever new content (movies, series, seasons, episodes) is added to Emby.


  • Sends Telegram notifications with media images whenever a new movie, series, season, or episode is added to Emby.
  • Integrates with the Emby webhook plugin.
  • Provides a filter to notify only for recent episodes or newly added seasons.


  • An Emby server with the Webhook plugin installed.
  • A Telegram bot token and chat ID (see the section on setting up a Telegram bot below).
  • Docker (optional, for Docker installation).


Traditional Installation

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install the requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Run the application using python3 main.py.

Docker Installation

If you have Docker and Docker Compose installed, you can use the provided docker-compose.yml

  1. Set up your environment variables in a .env file.
  2. Run docker-compose up.

Setting Up a Telegram Bot

  1. Start a Chat with BotFather on Telegram.
  2. Send /newbot command.
  3. Name your bot.
  4. Choose a unique username for your bot; it must end in bot.
  5. Retrieve your HTTP API token.
  6. Get your chat ID by starting a chat with your bot, sending a message, then visiting https://api.telegram.org/botYOUR_BOT_TOKEN/getUpdates to find the chat ID in the returned JSON.
  7. Input the Bot Token and Chat ID into the application's environment variables.


Setting up Emby Webhook

For Emby Server 4.7 or Lower:

  1. Go to Emby settings.
  2. Choose Webhooks and add a new webhook.
  3. Set the server to the Flask application's endpoint (e.g., http://localhost:5000/webhook).
  4. You can Send Test Webhook to make sure every is working so far.
  5. Under Library, select New Media Added.
  6. You can limit events to selected Users, but it's best to limit Library to Movie & Shows.

For Emby Server 4.8 or Higher:

  1. Go to Emby settings.
  2. Choose Notification and add a new notification.
  3. Select Webhooks as the notification type.
  4. Set the server to the Flask application's endpoint (e.g., http://localhost:5000/webhook).
  5. You can set Request content type to either multipart/form-data or application/json.
  6. You can Send Test Webhook to make sure every is working so far.
  7. Under Library, select New Media Added.
  8. You can limit events to selected Users and/or Devices, but it's best to limit Library to Movie & Shows.

Environment Variables Explanation:

  • EPISODE_PREMIERED_WITHIN_X_DAYS: Determines how recent an episode's premiere date must be for a notification to be sent. For example, setting it to 7 means only episodes that premiered within the last 7 days will trigger a notification.

  • SEASON_ADDED_WITHIN_X_DAYS: Dictates the threshold for sending notifications based on when a season was added to Emby. If set to 3, then if a season was added within the last 3 days, episode notifications will not be sent to avoid potential spam from adding an entire season at once.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests for new features, bug fixes, or improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.