
Dota 2 Combat Log Simulator written in VB.net ; It is still being worked on and the current priority is putting the correct word for each CombatLogEntry

Primary LanguageVisual Basic

Dota 2 Combat Log Simulator

A program creating a Combat Log simulator from reading a dota 2 demo file
You need to create the output .txt file of the dota 2 demo by running Valve's Replay Parser (http://media.steampowered.com/apps/dota2/dev/demoinfo2.zip)

Run demo2info.exe in the command line in this following format
demo2info.exe [gameid#].dem > [gameid#].txt

This will show all entries that Combat Log will output removing the 120sec limit of the in-game Combat log.
This will be updated in the future to automatically extract .dem fiels to .txt files and showing the Combat Log in 2 clicks