
ios app demonstrates animated segmented control that is integrated with collectionView instagram-like followers/following screen

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

instagarm-like (followers/following screen)

The ios app demonstrates animated segmented buttons that are integrated with collectionView instagram-like followers/following screen.

alt text.


The app is created programmatically using UIKit with no storyboards. However, if you are using storyboards in your project:

  1. Import 'SegmentedButtonsViewdrop.swift' file into your project.
  2. Drop a UIView in your UIViewController.
  3. Select the UIView, then in the identity inspector write in the custom class textfield 'SegmentedButtonsView' then hit enter.

For the functionality that is demonstrated above, there are two main classes:

SegmentedButtonsView and MainViewController.

for instance in the code below:

lazy var segmentedButtonsView:SegmentedButtonsView = {
   let segmentedButtonsView = SegmentedButtonsView()
    segmentedButtonsView.setLabelsTitles(titles: ["Followers", "Following"])
    return collectionViewHeader

Please consider to call 'setLabelsTitles' method of 'SegmentedButtonsView' instance in order to set labels titles. In your viewController make it conforms to 'SegmentedControlDelegate' in order to trigger selected button index:

extension MainViewController: SegmentedControlDelegate{

    //MARK: - segmented Control delegate
    func didIndexChanged(at index: Int) {

        if index == 0 {
        // do something
        }else if index == 1 {
        //do something


If you're willing to use segmentedViewButtons to be integrated with a collection view with more than 2 buttons, you can replace the code inside the 'collectionViewDidScroll' delegate function of 'SegmentedButtonsView.swift' :

if  (label.frame.width / 2  >= self.selectorView.frame.origin.x && titles[0] == label.text! ||
     label.frame.width / 2  <= self.selectorView.frame.origin.x && titles[1] == label.text! ) {
      label.textColor = selectorTextColor

        label.textColor = textColor

with the following code that supports more than two buttons(labeLs) view:

if label.frame.origin.x == self.selectorView.frame.origin.x{
    label.textColor = selectorTextColor
    label.textColor = textColor