This 2 .js files are used to listen from server broadcasting with laravel-websockets, so that you don't need the use of Vue.js in your laravel app
Follow all installation and configuration process of laravel-websockets and instead of using Vue.js component, just add this line where you want to listen for changes :
window.Laravel = <?phpechojson_encode([
'csrfToken' =>csrf_token(),]); ?>;
var module = {}; /* <-----THISLINE*/
import Echo from '{{asset('js/echo.js')}}'
import {Pusher} from '{{asset('js/pusher.js')}}'
window.Pusher = Pusher
window.Echo = new Echo({broadcaster: 'pusher',key: 'your-key',wsHost: window.location.hostname,wsPort: 6001,forceTLS: false,disableStats: true,});'your-channel')
.listen('your-event-class', (e) =>{console.log(e)})
console.log("websokets in use")