Laravel cryptocurrency trading APIs.
- Minimum Laravel version 7.0
Use the following command to install:
composer require obydul/lypto-api
Run the following command to publish config file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Obydul\LyptoAPI\LyptoAPIServiceProvider" --tag="config"
(Optional) Laravel 5.5 uses package auto-discovery, so doesn't require you to manually add the ServiceProvider. If you don't use auto-discovery,
// add the service provider to your `$providers` array in `config/app.php` file
// and add these lines to `$aliases` array
'Binance' => Obydul\LyptoAPI\Facades\Binance::class,
'TAAPI' =>Obydul\LyptoAPI\Facades\TAAPI::class,
Clear application config, cache (optional):
php artisan optimize
Installation completed.
After installation, set API key and secret in the .env
// exchange
LYPTO_API_MODE="sandbox" // sanbox or live
// tools
Supported exchanges and features:
Exchange | Features |
Binance | Spot trade only |
We will add more exchanges and APIs soon.
Indicator API list:
Name | Features |
TAAPI | Provides technical analysis indicator data |
Create a Lypto request:
use Obydul\LyptoAPI\Libraries\LyptoRequest;
$request = new LyptoRequest();
$request->param1 = 'Value 1';
$request->param2 = "Value 2";
$request->param2 = "Value 2";
Pass Laypto request to exchange's function:
// exchange object
// exchange facade
Take a look at Binance APIs and parameters.
use Obydul\LyptoAPI\Exchanges\Binance;
// create a Binance object
$binance = new Binance();
// create order
// using facade
use Obydul\LyptoAPI\Facades\Binance;
Pass api key, secret & mode without .env file:
$api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY";
$api_secret = "YOUR_API_SECRET";
$mode = "sandbox"; // default is live
$this->binance = new Binance($api_key, $api_secret, $mode); // mode doesn't need to pass for live
$this->binance = new Binance($api_key, $api_secret); // live
// using facade
use Obydul\LyptoAPI\Facades\Binance;
$account_info = Binance::config($api_key, $api_secret, $mode)->accountInfo(); // sandbox
$account_info = Binance::config($api_key, $api_secret)->accountInfo(); // live
Available methods:
Test server:
Title | Method |
Test Connectivity | ping() |
Check Server Time | time() |
Exchange Information | exchangeInfo() |
Account & Wallet:
Title | Method |
Account Status | accountStatus() |
Get current account information | accountInfo() |
Get trading status | apiTradingStatus() |
Get overall balance | accountSnapshot() |
Spot trade:
Title | Method |
Current price of a pair | currentPrice($request) |
Create order | createOrder($request) |
Cancel an active order | cancelOrder($request) |
Cancels all active orders on a symbol | cancelOpenOrders($request) |
Check an order's status | queryOrder($request) |
Get all open orders on a symbol | currentOpenOrders($request) |
Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled | allOrders($request) |
Get trades for a specific account and symbol | accountTradeList($request) |
Create a new OCO | createOCO($request) |
Cancel an entire Order List | cancelOCO($request) |
Retrieves a specific OCO based on provided optional parameters | queryOCO($request) |
Retrieves all OCO based on provided optional parameters | queryAllOCO($request) |
Retrieves open OCO | queryOpenOCO($request) |
24hr Ticker Price Change Statistics | priceChange24Hr($request |
Average price of a pair (5 mins) | avgPrice($request |
TAAPI provides technical analysis (TA) indicator data.
Let's have a look at the uasge:
use Obydul\LyptoAPI\Tools\TAAPI;
$taapi = new TAAPI();
$request = new LyptoRequest();
$indicator_endpoint = "rsi";
$taapi->get($indicator_endpoint, $request);
// call via facade
use Obydul\LyptoAPI\Facades\TAAPI;
TAAPI::get($indicator_endpoint, $request);
Pass api key without .env file:
$api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY";
$response = TAAPI::config($api_key)->get($indicator_endpoint, $request);
use Obydul\LyptoAPI\Exchanges\Binance;
use Obydul\LyptoAPI\Libraries\LyptoRequest;
private $binance;
* constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->binance = new Binance();
// account info
$account_info = $this->binance->accountInfo();
// account info using facade
use Obydul\LyptoAPI\Facades\Binance;
$account_info = Binance::accountInfo();
// create order
$request = new LyptoRequest();
$request->symbol = 'BTCUSDT';
$request->side = "SELL";
$request->type = "LIMIT";
$request->timeInForce = "GTC";
$request->quantity = 0.01;
$request->price = 9000;
$request->newClientOrderId = "my_order_id_1112";
$create_order = $this->binance->createOrder($request);
// account trade list
$request = new LyptoRequest();
$request->symbol = "BTCUSDT";
$trade_list = $this->binance->accountTradeList($request);
use Obydul\LyptoAPI\Facades\TAAPI;
use Obydul\LyptoAPI\Libraries\LyptoRequest;
// lypto request
$request = new LyptoRequest();
$request->exchange = 'binance';
$request->symbol = "BTC/USDT";
$request->interval = "1h";
// indicator endpoint
$indicator_endpoint = "macd";
// get data
$response = TAAPI::get($indicator_endpoint, $request);
array:3 [▼
"valueMACD" => 289.32379962478
"valueMACDSignal" => 257.39665148897
"valueMACDHist" => 31.92714813581
The MIT License (MIT). Please see license file for more information.
In case of any issues, kindly create one on the Issues section.
Thank you for installing LyptoAPI ❤️.