
Serbian Language Entropy is calculated using Shannon theorem applied on large text written in Serbian.

Primary LanguagePython


Serbian Language entropy is calculated by analyzing large text Na Drini Ćuprija written in Serbian Latin.

Maximal entropy Hmax is calculated with the assumption that every symbol has the same occurrence probability.

The Entropy H0 of the text is calculated as the standard entropy of the source without memory. The probability of a particular symbol is calculated as the ratio of the number of its occurrences and the total number of symbols in the text.

The Entropy H1 of the text is calculated as standard entropy of the source with first memory order. The probability of a particular symbol is calculated as the ratio of the number of its occurrences and the total number of symbols in the text. The conditional probability of a pair of symbols is calculated as a ratio of the number of occurrences and the total number of pairs with the same first element of the searched pair.