TAP Installer (Experimental)

TAP installation configurator using Tanzu Accelerator to provide a tailored GitOps installation repo for the platform.

Current version TAP/tbs-deps 1.6.4 / RMQ 1.5.1 / TDS 1.12.0

NOTE: "tanzu-sync/scripts/deploy.sh" script errors out but installation will continue and fully reconcile.


  • Deploy, Configure and Load up a new TAP cluster without the need to edit / create configuration files!!
    • Deploy without any YAML editing!
  • Platform Gitops Based TAP Deployment
  • Platform GitOps Namespace provisioner configured
  • Application GitOps Configured with auto-deployed demo suite

Configuration Options

  • Supported upstream platform binary registry locations

    • TanzuNet direct
    • Custom (Harbor)
  • Supported platform target binary registry locations

    • DockerHub
    • Custom (Harbor tested with TAP, TBS-full-dependencies and TDS Repos mirrored)
  • Dual supply-chain support

    • basic
    • test & scan
  • Dual TLS configuration Options

    • HTTP Solver for Automated ACME certificate configuration using LetsEncrypt (caution: rate-limited!)
    • Bring your own TLS wildcard certificate
  • Tanzu Data Services

    • PostgresQL Operator
    • Demo workload (petclinic deployed with service binding to in-namespace TDS postgres db)
  • Spring Cloud Gateway and Spring API Portal

    • Vault (helm deployed) integration for API-KEY manged microservice deployment support
  • OKTA SSO protections for Spring API Portal

    • Required for Spring API-Portal API-Key management support
  • Tiny TAP Overlay

    • Allow for non-production full profile TAP cluster deployment into < 50% of typical requirements (1-2 x 16gb AKS nodes)
    • Selectively omit deployment of TLC / Eventing packages to further reduce resource requirements
  • Private Registry support - provide self-signed certs for registry or intermediate CAs

  • RMQ operator support allowing for 'drag and drop' "Where for dinner" deployment support

  • Local Source Proxy auto-configuration for harbor & dockerhub image registries

    • work directly from your IDE.. generate workload via accelerator and auto-deploy for subsequent 'live-update' 5second iterations
    • select 'java debug' to connect remote debugger with breakpoint support to live-updating instance of running workload

Installation Procedure

  • Provide configuration values/secrets to tap-installer wizard

  • Generate Accelerator, download & explode zip-archive

  • Open console prompt & run ./setup-tap.sh

  • optionally move/delete ./accelerator-log and ./accelerator-assets/secrets-to-seal assets

  • run ./initialize-repo.sh to create new git repo and upload to new github.

  • cd ./cluster/taplab

  • Ensure kubectl is set to access target cluster & tanzu-cluster-essentials installed thereon

  • run ./tanzu-sync/scripts/deploy.sh

  • Monitor for external IP created by TAP cluster contour - update DNS record when available

    kubectl -n tanzu-system-ingress get svc -w

Optionally run k9s to watch TAP install and configuraiton on your target cluster



  • DNS Service with ability to map a wildcard DNS domain to a given IP
  • For 'bring your own certs' setup using letsEncrypt and Certbot, ability to record TXT records needed


  • GitHub account with personal access token
  • GitHub oAuth appplication (client ID & Secret)
  • TanzuNet or custom registry credentials

Required CLI Tools

  • kubectl
  • k9s (optional)
  • az (if using azure / AKS)
  • golang (sops cli dependency)
  • sops
  • kapp
  • ytt
  • age-keygen (optional)
  • gh (optional)
  • git

Deployment Procedures


  • Deploy kubernetes cluster
  • Deploy tanzu-cluster-essentials to cluster
  • Authenticate / login from your workstation to GitHub
  • Create a seal-secrets (sops) encryption key (using 'age-keygen" cli