
Advanced glycopeptide search on custom dataset generated generated by combining list of peptides (or masses) with list of glycan compositions (or masses)


  1. Import polyfill:

    <script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
  2. Import custom element:

    <link rel="import" href="bower_components/pepsweetener-advanced-search/pepsweetener-advanced-search.html">
  3. Start using it!



Attribute Options Default Description
controller object - datasource client initialized on creation of new dataset
masses string `` query list of masses
toleranceUnit string ppm default tolerance unit
toleranceValue number 10 default tolerance value
glycanFilter object {} object specifying presence and number of particular monosaccharides (optional)


Method Parameters Returns Description
search() None. Nothing. Filters masses from the query, submits the search list to pepsweetener-multi-result,
          |              |             | and executes the query for each mass individually using search controller.

ready() | None. | Nothing. | Sets the elements


In order to run it locally you'll need to fetch some dependencies and a basic server setup.

  1. Install bower & polyserve:

    $ npm install -g bower polyserve
  2. Install local dependencies:

    $ bower install
  3. Start development server and open http://localhost:8080/components/pepsweetener-advanced-search/.

    $ polyserve


MIT License