
Element generating the heatmap, this accepts json with the following structure: {mass: Number (query mass), data: {'peptides':[String,...], 'glycans': [String,...], 'map': {'peptide': Index, 'glycan': Index, 'value': Number (difference from the query mass), mass: Number}}} The element is called from the multi-result wrapper, which collects all the results from search form and navigates the chart data update.


  1. Import polyfill:

    <script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
  2. Import custom element:

    <link rel="import" href="bower_components/pepsweetener-heatmap/pepsweetener-heatmap.html">
  3. Start using it!



Attribute Options Default Description
data array null input data for the chart
gridSize number 14 pixel size of the single chart tile
margin array { top: 200, svg margins
          |             | right: 100,  |
          |             | bottom: 50,  |
          |             | left: 200}   | 

sorting | string | null | string containing name of currently | | | applied sorting function


Method Parameters Returns Description
attached() None. Nothing. generates chart
_dataChanged() None. Nothing. listener, reloads the chart when is changed
_sortObserver() None. Nothing. listener monitoring 'sorting' dropdown menu
formatChartDescription() None. Nothing. Updates chart description after data change
createRowLabels() None. Nothing. Generate labels
createColumnLabels() None. Nothing. Generate labels
createCardsAndBar() None. Nothing. Generate chart tiles and score bar
sortBySequenceAndComposition() None. Nothing. Sorting function
sortByMass() None. Nothing. Sorting function
sortByPpm() None. Nothing. Sorting function


In order to run it locally you'll need to fetch some dependencies and a basic server setup.

  1. Install bower & polyserve:

    $ npm install -g bower polyserve
  2. Install local dependencies:

    $ bower install
  3. Start development server and open http://localhost:8080/components/pepsweetener-heatmap/.

    $ polyserve


MIT License