This version has been verified by NTU
Author: Chen Wang
If you use Overleaf, you may also use the following link.
Thesis template Overleaf Project
Please change your name, title, and school in the file of Thesis.cls
For digital signature, make your own and put it in the folder "Styles" to replace the original one.
Midify the hardbound-cover.tex
You may not need to do this by yourself if you follow the Format. Just ask the stuff to follow the NTU 'standard'. if your need hard-binding in 7 days, just send your thesis to ultrasupplies, and confirm with them.
You may read my thesis on Dr-NTU Open Access
According to the guideline, all submissions received on or after 1 Jan 2019 must include the declaration statements.
This version has been modified according to the Format of final thesis, i.e.
i. Title Page
ii. Statement of Originality . }
iii. Supervisor Declaration Statement} Research Integrity - Theses / Dissertations
iv. Authorship Attribution Statement}
v. Acknowledgements
vi. Table of Contents
vii. Summary
We provide two styles for the title page, use "\maketitleforreview" or "\maketitle", in the file of "mythesis.tex", to choose your prefered one. Normally, the University prefers "\maketitleforreview".
For hard cover demo, please refer to the Demo Page.
You may cite my thesis or papers, if you find this template is useful.