
Example using CMake to jointly build Java and C/C++, including JNI interfacing

Primary LanguageCMake

Java/JNI CMake example

This repository aims at illustrating how to integrate Java with native C/C++ using CMake.

To build this project, make sure you have a Java SDK (such as OpenJDK) installed. Make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the location where this SDK is installed, then proceed as follows.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

This will build two jars. The first one, HelloWorld.jar, only aims to show how to build a jar with cmake. The second one, HelloWordJNI.jar, shows how to generate a native header using cmake and how to build a native library (HelloWorld-cpp) that can be used by Java.

Executing the first jar can be done as follows.

java -jar HelloWorld.jar

Executing the first jar can be done as follows.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:`pwd` java -jar HelloWorldJNI.jar

The LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to point to the location of the C++ libHelloWorldJNI-cpp.so that CMake has built.

For more information on how to write a JNI-based native library, a good tutorial is here.