Merge several mine craft levels into one.
mccollage uses the excelent [pymclevel][1] library to merge several worlds into on non-overlapping world. The results will have rough chunk borders. This could be improved by using something like the algorythims in [mcmerge][2].
The process is extremely slow on the new minecravt "Anvil" level format. See below on how to solve the issue with raw computing power.
To use it check the requirements of [mcedit][]/[pymclevel][1]. Basically you need numpy und PyYaml.
Sizer helps you to sort worlds by size which helps selecting files for collages.
python ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/saves/*
This will rename your savegames to something like this. The first number represents the number of chunks.
0132-Casino Monte Carlo
0224-Artwood World_Surv
0399-Realm of Vikdal
To add SomeWorld to MainWorld make a backup of MainWorld first:
cp ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/saves/MainWorld \
~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/saves/MainWorld.bak
Then start conversion:
python ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/saves/MainWorld \
~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/saves/SomeWorld
This might take a vew minutes and a few Gigabytes (!) of RAM.
Start an instance with 68 GB Ram:
ec2-run-instances --instance-type m2.4xlarge --key YOURKEYNAME ami-1de8d369
Check ec2-describe-instances | grep m2.4xlarge
untill you know the IP-Address of the machine, then SSH into it and install required packages:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/YOURKEYNAME ubuntu@EC2IP
sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-yaml python-cairo git rsync
Then rsync your stuff to the machine and run mccollage there.
Finally Shut down all the large instances - they are expensive!
ec2-describe-instances | egrep m2.4xlarge | cut -f2 | xargs ec2-terminate-instances