
Custom Playmaker actions I've made/modded for my own projects- scroll down for ReadMe

Primary LanguageC#


This is a dump of my custom Playmaker actions I've made or modded for my own projects- I hope they are useful to some other Playmakers out there ^_^

If you want to tip me for helping you make your own Fsm spaghetti paypal here bitcoin == 17PUcU7tdhhghvwwximtigGGqvp6pcfUzk

I can't guarantee any support on these but if you have questions please post them in the Playmaker forum as I'm always hanging out there Playmaker forums

If you want all the actions just download the "mdsPMActions.unitypackage"

Add Knockback Force

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This applies a knockback force in the direction of the hit- Use the hitpoint from a cast

Animated UV Map

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Animated the Offset on a material

Are game objects facing each other

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Determines whether two game objects are facing each other

Array Clear Delete

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Deletes all items from an array leaving it empty

Array Remove

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Removes an object from an array

Box Cast

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Casts a physics box and retrieves hit info

Button AutoScroll for GamePad

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Use with a vertical list and the buttons will scroll with gamepad input

Check Sphere

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Casts a checksphere

Debug Quaternion

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Enable Agent Action

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Enables/Disables a navmesh agent component

Enable Event System

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Enables/Disables a ugui event system

Enable Mesh Renderer

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Enables/Disables a mesh renderer

Flip Fsm Bool

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Flips a bool on another Fsm

Float switch 2

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Switches based on "equals"

Front back side to side

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Input a game object or V3 and it will output a V3 at a given direction from the target -useful for getting flanking positions for ai agents

Fsm Bool Test

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Tests a bool on another fsm

Game Object Speed no Y

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Gets game object speed ignoring the Y velocity

Get Box Collider Size

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Get Capsule Collider Height

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Get Collider Type

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Get forward direction

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Gets the forward +Z direction of a game object

Get Light Intensity

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Get Light Range

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Get Sphere Collider Radius

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Get Surface Forward

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Input vars from a cast hit and use the surface fwd to align things to surface

Get Y Distance

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Int Remap

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Same as float remap except with an int var

Inverse Transform Vector

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Is Navmesh Component enabled

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Is Target In Front or Behind

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Knockback Action

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Give it a hitpoint from a cast and an amount and it will knockback a NavmeshAgent, RigidBody or Character Controller

Knockback Position Finder

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Give it cast hit info and it will give you a knockback position

OverlapSphere To Array

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Casts an overlapSphere and stores hit game objects in an array

Physics LineCast 2

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Play Single Audio Random Pitch

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Plays a single audio file while randomizing pitch each time

Play Random Audio From Array

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Plays a random audio file while from an array while randomizing pitch each time (make sure you use an "object" var set to UnityEngine/AudioClip for the variable)

Raycast Ignore Triggers

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Same as normal raycast but has option to ignore colliders set to trigger

Raycast 2 Ignore Triggers

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Same as normal raycast2 but has option to ignore colliders set to trigger

Rotate Around Target

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You can use this to do DarkSouls like targeting when combined with "Smooth Follow Action No Look At" and a LookAt pointing at your target

Rotate to Forward Direction

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Feed this a hitNormal from a cast to align objects to the hit object surface

Rotate to Up Direction

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Feed this a hitNormal from a cast to align objects to the hit object surface

Simple Overlap Box

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Casts an OverlapBox and returns the first object hit (can be used an an alternative to box colliders for melee collisions)

Simple Overlap Capsule Plus

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Casts OverlapCapsule returns hitobject and hitpoint-

  • works will all collider types except mesh and terrain

Simple Overlap Sphere

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Casts an OverlapBox and returns the first object hit

Simple Overlap Sphere Plus

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Casts OverlapSphere returns hitobject and hitpoint-

  • works will all collider types except mesh and terrain

Smooth Follow Action No Look At

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A smooth follow action that does not look at the object its following

Sphere Cast 2

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Subtract Fsm Int

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Transform Vector

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Trigger Event Ignore Game Object

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Works same as Trigger event except will ignore collisions with a game object var

Trigger Event Once Per Object

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Works same as Trigger event except will only allow objects to trigger once each

Trigger Event Store Hit Object

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Works same as Trigger event except stores hit object as gameObject instead of collider

Ugui Set First Selected Game Object

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Flight Path Action

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Does basic flight pathfinding with a rigid body using Raycasts- example flight alt text Rigid Body settings alt text