In this project, we developed LibreCAN, a system to automatically translate most CAN messages with minimal effort. The protocol is designed to save security researchers the time and effort they spend manually reverse-engineering the CAN messaging format of each vehicle they study. This makes it easier to determine how new attacks can be used against a number of makes and models at once and design necessary defenses.
Vehicle security attacks to date have all shared one very important feature – they all ultimately require write access to the CAN bus. But in order to do that, one has to know the message format of the CAN bus to inject meaningful data. All makes and models of vehicles have different message formats that are proprietary to the car manufacturer which hopes to prevent cybersecurity attacks on vehicles by not disclosing translation tables for CAN data. In order to cause targeted and intentional changes in vehicle behavior, malicious CAN injection attacks require knowledge of these translation tables.
Modern Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) are equipped with an increasing number of Electronic Control Units (ECUs), many of which produce large amounts of data. Data is exchanged between ECUs via an in-vehicle network, with the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus being the de facto standard in contemporary vehicles. Furthermore, CAVs have not only physical interfaces but also increased data connectivity to the Internet via their Telematic Control Units (TCUs), enabling remote access via mobile devices. It is also possible to tap into, and read/write data from/to the CAN bus, as data transmitted on the CAN bus is not encrypted. This naturally generates concerns about automotive cybersecurity. One commonality among most vehicular security attacks reported to date is that they ultimately require write access to the CAN bus.
In order to cause targeted and intentional changes in vehicle behavior, malicious CAN injection attacks require knowledge of the CAN message format. However, since this format is proprietary to OEMs and can differ even among different models of a single make of vehicle, one must manually reverse-engineer the CAN message format of each vehicle they target — a time-consuming and tedious process that does not scale. To mitigate this difficulty, we develop LibreCAN, which can translate most CAN messages with minimal effort. Our extensive evaluation on multiple vehicles demonstrates LibreCAN’s efficiency in terms of accuracy, coverage, required manual effort and scalability to any vehicle.
CCS'19 LibreCAN: Automated CAN Message Translator
BibTex for citation:
author = {Pes{\'e}, Mert D. and Stacer, Troy and Campos, C. Andr{\'e}s and Newberry, Eric and Chen, Dongyao and Shin, Kang G.},
title = {LibreCAN: Automated CAN Message Translator},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security},
series = {CCS '19},
year = {2019},
isbn = {978-1-4503-6747-9},
location = {London, United Kingdom},
pages = {2283--2300},
numpages = {18},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3319535.3363190},
acmid = {3363190},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {CAN bus, automotive security, reverse engineering},
For inquiries regarding source code, please contact mpese at umich dot edu.
- Mert D. Pesé, PhD Candidate, Unversity of Michigan
- Troy Stacer, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan
- C. Andrés Campos, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan
- Alice C. Ying, Undergraduate Student, University of Michigan
- Eric Newberry, PhD Pre-Candidate, University of Michigan
- Dongyao Chen, PhD Candidate, University of Michigan
- Kang G. Shin, Professor, University of Michigan