
Postman collection templates for SAP Cloud Platform Integration APIs

MIT LicenseMIT

CPI Postman Collections

This repository contains Postman collection templates for SAP Cloud Platform Integration APIs.

Advantages of using these collections and the environment structure:

  • Easy to switch between tenants, you can use the same environment information also for your Flows.
  • A standardized and easy way to use CSRF token for the APIs that use POST, PUT, DELETE methods.
  • Requests and responses are JSON by default. You can remove Accept and Content-Type headers to switch to XML.

Available collections

Installation & Usage

  • Download the environment and the collection files
  • Click import button in the top-left corner to import the collection.
  • Use environment settings (gear icon) on the top-right corner to import the environment.
  • For each tenant, you should duplicate the environment template and enter the specific URL, username, and password.
  • You can also duplicate and rename collections to clearly separate request data between tenants.
  • Choose the environment you defined earlier and start using collections.
  • You should call Get CSRF request once before using e.g. POST methods in the collections. If you get a 403 response after a timeout period you can call Get CSRF request again.


This repo is open to contribution. You can send pull requests or open issues.


Released under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.

Brought to you by MDP Group IT consulting