
A project to rapidly store OpenICE data in an Oracle database.

Primary LanguageJava


A project to rapidly store some OpenICE data in an Oracle database.

Prerequisites and Tools

In the lab we are using Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2.

We converted the RedHat package for use on an Ubuntu server following these instructions.

For an Oracle client we are using the free Oracle SQL Developer.

Getting Started

  1. Clone or download this repository. To download, click the "Download ZIP" button above. If you download the ZIP, the directory sturctures listed below will be /oracle-openice-master/ instead of /oracle-openice/.

  2. You must have the Oracle JDBC "thin" driver available. Download this yourself from here to ensure you agree to the terms of Oracle's licensing. Unfortunately we are not allowed to re-distribute this driver ourselves; you must acquire it from Oracle directly.

  3. You must have Apache Maven installed. Use your package manager of choice or download the .bin.zip directly from Apache.

  4. To add the oracle driver to a local Maven repo:

    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.oracle -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=<Path where the jar is, example downloads>/ojdbc6.jar -DgeneratePom=true

    On Windows, be sure to not include spaces in your directory path. E.g. C:\Progra~1\... instead of C:\Program Files\...

  5. Create a configuration file .config containing configuration information.

    # Example Configuration
    # DDS Domain Identifier
    # oracle JDBC connection string
    # oracle username
    # oracle password
    # DDS Partition information
  6. Generate an SQL Schema

    ./gradlew schemaGen

    On Windows:

    gradlew schemaGen

    This will create a file called schema.sql which you must apply to our oracle database.

    For convenience, we have also been committing the schema to the repo at schema.sql.

  7. Create a local installation of the software

    ./gradlew installDist

    On Windows:

    gradlew installDist
  8. Run the software from your local installation


    On Windows:

  9. Send SIGINT (Ctrl-C) when you would like to exit