
sbt plugin for Axis WSDL2Java

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

An sbt version of the Axis Tools Maven Plugin. Supports calling WSDL2Java only, to generate Java from WSDL.

You should also consider using scalaxb.

Compatible with sbt 0.11.2 or 0.11.3.


Put this in your project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.mdr" % "sbt-axis" % "0.0.1")

Light configuration example (in build.sbt):

seq(sbtAxisSettings : _*)

SbtAxisKeys.wsdlFiles <+= baseDirectory(_ / "service.wsdl")

SbtAxisKeys.packageSpace := Some("com.example")

Full configuration example:

import SbtAxis.Plugin.{ SbtAxisKeys, sbtAxisSettings }

class MyBuild extends Build {
     lazy val myProject = Project("Mine", file("."), settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ sbtAxisSettings ++ Seq(
         SbtAxisKeys.wsdlFiles <+= baseDirectory(_ / "service.wsdl"),
         SbtAxisKeys.packageSpace := Some("com.example"))

There is an SbtAxisKeys.otherArgs for other WSDL2Java arguments -- if you use this, please consider adding a new setting to the plug-in and sending a pull request ;-)