
Dataclass Model Toolkit

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyPI Build Status Test Coverage Supported Python Documentation

A dataclass model toolkit: serialization, validation, and more.



  • Model definitions in pure Python.
  • Validation showing up in code coverage.
  • Type annotations for all public-facing APIs.
  • (Optionally) ensures immutability.
  • Easily extensible.
  • Made for people.
  • Documented rigorously.



Available from PyPI:

pip install serious

Quick Example

Central part of Serious API are different Models.

Given a regular dataclass:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Person:
    name: str

Let’s create a JsonModel:

from serious.json import JsonModel
model = JsonModel(Person)

And use its dump/load methods:

person = Person('Albert Einstein')

model.dump(person) # {"name": "Albert Einstein"}


To add validation to the example above all we need is to add __validate__ method to person:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
from serious import ValidationError, Email

class Person:
    name: str
    email: Optional[Email]
    phone: Optional[str]

    def __validate__(self):
        if len(self.name) == 0:
            raise ValidationError('Every person needs a name')
        if self.phone is None and self.email is None:
            raise ValidationError('At least some contact should be present')

More on validation.

Supported formats:

Supported field types

More in docs.

  • Other dataclasses
  • Primitives: str, int, float, bool
  • Dictionaries: only with string keys: Dict[str, Any]
  • Lists, sets, deques: python collections of any serializable type
  • Tuples both with and without ellipsis:
    • tuples as set of independent elements (e.g. Tuple[str, int, date])
    • with ellipses, acting as a frozen list (Tuple[str, ...])
  • Enumerations by value:
    • of primitives (e.g. OperatingSystem(Enum))
    • typed enums (Color(str, Enum) and FilePermission(IntFlag))
  • Decimal: encoded to JSON as string
  • Datetime, date and time: encoded to the ISO 8601 formatted string
  • UUID
  • serious.types.Timestamp: a UTC timestamp since UNIX epoch as float ms value
  • serious.types.Email: a string Tiny Type that supports validation and contains additional properties
  • custom immutable alternatives to native python types in serious.types: FrozenList, FrozenDict

A bigger example

from dataclasses import dataclass
from serious import JsonModel, ValidationError
from typing import List
from enum import Enum

class Specialty(Enum):
    Worker = 1
    Fool = 2

class Minion:
    name: str
    type: Specialty

class Boss:
    name: str
    minions: List[Minion]
    def __validate__(self):
        if len(self.minions) < 2:
            raise ValidationError('What kind of boss are you?')

boss = Boss("me", [Minion('evil minion', Specialty.Fool), Minion('very evil minion', Specialty.Worker)])
boss_json = """{
    "name": "me",
    "minions": [
            "name": "evil minion",
            "type": "Fool"
            "name": "very evil minion",
            "type": "Worker"

model = JsonModel(Boss, indent=4)

assert model.dump(boss) == boss_json
assert model.load(boss_json) == boss


Initially, a fork of @lidatong/dataclasses-json.