E-commerce API with Express, TypeScript, MongoDB, and Mongoose


This project is an e-commerce API built with Express and TypeScript, using MongoDB with Mongoose for data management. Data validation is handled using zod.

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/mdrafi276/next-level-assignment-2.git

cd next-level-assignment-2

📦 Install Dependencies

$ npm install

⚙️ Configure Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root of the project and add the following environment variables:


Running the app

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod

The server should be running on http://localhost:5000.


  • Product Management

    • Create a new product
    • Retrieve all products
    • Retrieve a specific product by ID
    • Update product information
    • Delete a product
    • Search for products by name
  • Order Management

    • Create a new order
    • Retrieve all orders
    • Retrieve orders by user email
    • Update inventory when an order is created

Available API Endpoints

🛍️ Product Management

1. Create a New Product

  • Endpoint: /api/products
  • Method: POST

2. Retrieve All Products

  • Endpoint: /api/products
  • Method: GET

3. Retrieve Specific Product by ID

  • Endpoint: /api/products/:productId
  • Method: GET

4. Update Product Information

  • Endpoint: /api/products/:productId
  • Method: PUT

5. Delete a Product

  • Endpoint: /api/products/:productId
  • Method: DELETE

6. Search a Product

  • Endpoint: /api/products?searchTerm=iphone
  • Method: GET

🛒 Order Management

1. Create a New Order

  • Endpoint: /api/orders
  • Method: POST

2. Retrieve All Orders

  • Endpoint: /api/orders
  • Method: GET

3. Retrieve Orders by User Email

  • Endpoint: /api/orders?email=level2@programming-hero.com
  • Method: GET


Ensure the code adheres to a consistent style by running:

npm run lint


Fix the code by running:

npm run lint:fix