
MOAC chain sample webpage

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MOAC blockchain dashboard

This is a simple visualization project for MOAC ERC20 demo/prototype.

It is based on chain3.js and communicates directly with the local MOAC node running on your machine with default RPC port.

moac --dev --rpc --rpccorsdomain "*"

In order to allow the browser to communicate with the RPC API.

To build the project, need to install the packages first. This requires both bower and npm. If you don't have npm or bower installed, you need to install them first:

npm install
bower install

Also need to install browserify to compile the erc20call.js for index.html to use:

npm install -g browserify

Then generate the erc20call.js by run:

browserify mcsample.js -o erc20call.js


You need to change the account variable to your account address, and contractAddress to the address of the ERC20 smart contract deployed on your blockchain. If you don't have the contract address, deploy one using the erc20token.sol.

If your MOAC client's RPC port is different than the default, change the following line:

var chain3 = new Chain3();
chain3.setProvider(new chain3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545'));

erc20abi.js contains the ABI for the ERC20 smart contract.

Run the sample

Start the MOAC node and make sure turn on the rpc port at default localhost:8545.

Open the index.html, it should disply the account balance in mc and erc20 token.

Transfer the erc20 token using the account, you should see the transfer event showed in the transactions list

block#  from    to
9400    me  MOAC token

How it works

The chain3 API is used to display some information about the account:

  • mc balance
  • Current block number

There is a sample erc20 token contract in smart contract functions are called to display specific information:

  • source account balance
  • dest account balance

Then a filter is set up to scan all new blocks for transactions and display their contents.

getFunctionHashes() and findFunctionByHash() are used to decode the function hash found in the input parameter for the transaction. Then, chain3's SolidityCoder internal class is used to decode the parameters for the function. This allows us to display the details of the ERC20 smart contract functions.