
Lightweight and easy asynchronous library to handle communication between components

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Synergy is about cooperation and collaboration, on its core is similar to a message-queue system but it does not aims to be a full-featured MQ, it's a lightweight and easy asynchronous library to handle communication between components.


There is a server, and there is a client... the server manages channels, clients can create, join and delete those channels, once a client joins a channel it can publish data to it and subscribe to receive the latest news from the channel your interested on.

Channel subscriptions

There are two kinds of channel subscriptions: push-subscription and pull-subscription, there are both useful for different use cases.

In the first case, a push subscriber receives messages without consuming it, allowing other push subscribers to receive the message too. Think about this as some kind of broadcast message sended to all push-subscribers of the channel.

The second case can be used to distribute work to a bunch of workers, messages get consumed by the first "free" pull subscriber, while it consumes the message and works on it, can not consume new messages. Is worth to notice that there is no polling in here, it's purely event driven.

The nice thing about delegating the decision of how to process and receive messages to subscribers instead of building separate channels with those roles, is the fact that push and pull subscribers can be mixed in the same channel, allowing for the creation of interesting workflows.


Think about a channel as a queue of heterogeneous messages, there can be all kinds of messages on it, and clients need some way of filtering it and only receive the kind of messages they are interested in, this is when tag-routing comes into play. A tag is just an identifier string associated with a subscriber and a published message, subscribers who define a tag-route will only receive messages published with the same tag-route


Synergy is made in Scala with the excellent AKKA library, they really outperform when talking about asynchronous programming

Build and Install


How to use



This project is in its early stages, it is not even alpha and definitely is not production ready, YET...