
A script to be run within an organisation to collect code from forks of ex-members

Primary LanguageRuby



This repository includes a scripts for archiving code from GitHub a GitHub Fork.


  • Ex-member - a GitHub user, who was at one point a member of a GitHub Organisation, but has subsequently left
  • Orphaned Fork - a fork of a private repository by an Ex-member of the organisation
  • Archive Member - a stub account within the organisation with the intention of owning the code from the orphaned fork


  1. Create an archive member of the organisation
  2. For each orphaned fork
    1. As the archive member, create a fork of the source repository (if the fork doesn't already exist)
    2. Clone the archive fork repository to create a local copy
    3. Add a remote for the orphaned fork
    4. Fetch the changes from the orphaned fork to the local repository
    5. For each (branch|tag) in the orphaned fork
      1. Create a local branch called {ex-member}_{branch} (e.g.seeya_master, seeya_feature/whizzy, etc )
      2. Push the {ex-member}_{branch} to the mock member fork
  3. Delete the orphaned fork


  1. The script is expected to be run as the archive member (with an OAuth token for the user)
    1. The login and a generated OAuth Token need to be supplied in the config/configuration.yml under the section
    2. The deletion of the forks is to be done by the user. A URL to the deletion element will be displayed
    3. Deletion will only be recommended when all forks are merged
  2. There are a couple of problems with timing
    1. The GRIT gem adds a timeout to Git commands - this may get exhausted - I've not been able to reliably work out the timing. In most cases running again with a longer timeout (-t timeout) will fix the issue

Installation and Usage


  1. Clone
  2. bundle install


The configuration.yml file should be completed with the access details for the nominated archive user.

The script can be initiated by running $ bundle exec ruby scripts/archive_fork.rb [forks] the following arguments exist:

  • -f {filename} - a newline separated list of forks to process
  • -t {timeout} - what timeout to set for git commands