
Pagination library for Mdsol Rails applications

Primary LanguageRuby


Rails gem pagination helper that works off of scopes (named) to facilitate data retrieval and display.


Use the bundler gem (sudo gem install bundler)
Add the following to your Gemfile

  gem "pagem", :git => "git://github.com/mdsol/pagem.git"


rvm use  ruby-1.9.3-p125
bundle install
bundle exec rspec spec/*


=== Controller
  In your controller, create an instance of the helper.  Pass your scope and the params hash as arguments.

    @pager = Pagem.new(@study.subjects, params)

  Retrieve the paged scope from the Pagem instance.

    @subjects = @pager.paged_scope

=== View

  In your view, use the paged scope to display the data as you would for any data set.
  Then, render the pagination controls at the bottom.

  <%= @pager %>

  The pagem class can work with remote forms (AJAX) as well.

  <%= @pager.render(:is_remote => true) %>