- 1
Error in installing ShinyPsych
#77 opened - 2
Conditional Questions
#76 opened - 4
- 1
- 5
- 2
- 2
Issue with install on AWS
#71 opened - 0
#70 opened - 0
Add a "realistic" balloon to the BART
#69 opened - 1
- 0
add vignette titles
#66 opened - 0
- 3
Create a DevGuide
#64 opened - 0
- 0
add raven short version
#62 opened - 0
n-back task
#61 opened - 0
revise code
#60 opened - 0
#59 opened - 0
revise vignettes/ tutorials
#58 opened - 0
Test online services vs local
#57 opened - 0
- 1
- 0
Add a dateInput check
#54 opened - 2
Update rdrop2!!!!
#52 opened - 0
New Shiny Task: Rating images
#50 opened - 0
New Shiny Task: Old/new memory
#49 opened - 0
Figure out AWS publishing
#48 opened - 0
Access keypresses in an app
#47 opened - 2
check radio buttons saved output
#45 opened - 1
update .convertNull for dateInput
#43 opened - 1
- 5
Add a password check
#41 opened - 0
- 0
Add dateInput
#36 opened - 7
- 2
Allow data emailing option
#28 opened - 0
Update contact info in example apps
#25 opened - 2
- 2
- 3
- 2
organize code for the package
#20 opened - 2
create DD function
#19 opened - 3
- 3
- 0
Create Check Id function
#15 opened - 0
Create loadScripts function
#14 opened - 1
Other tasks to add
#13 opened - 3
- 2
Create DfD functions
#11 opened - 4
Create DfE functions
#10 opened