
A work-in-progress tool to diff changes between code schemas. A lot of JSON schema features are not implemented and therefore ignored, such as:

  • required
  • patternProperties (entirely ignored)
  • const (changes from {"const": "foo"} to {"type": "string"} are not detected)

Use this tool as a best-effort to find obviously breaking changes in CI, but not for much more.

This crate is used with draft-07 but even that is work in progress.

Usage via CLI

cargo run --features=build-binary -- \
    schema-old.json \

Usage as library

use json_schema_diff::*;

let lhs = serde_json::json! {{ 
    "type": "string",
let rhs = serde_json::json! {{ 
    "type": "boolean",

    json_schema_diff::diff(lhs, rhs).unwrap(),
        Change {
            path: "".to_owned(),
            change: ChangeKind::TypeRemove { removed: SimpleJsonSchemaType::String }
        Change {
            path: "".to_owned(),
            change: ChangeKind::TypeAdd { added: SimpleJsonSchemaType::Boolean }


Licensed under Apache 2.0, see ./LICENSE