
A nodejs proxy to communicate with TCP servers from a browser's WebSocket.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Chaussette 🧦

GitHub npm

Chaussette is a NodeJS proxy. It allows you to communicate with a TCP server (or any protocol built on it) from a browser's WebSocket.

When started on port 9898, for example, Chaussette will spawn a WebSocket server and, for every WebSocket client connecting to it, will create an associated Socket connected to specified host and port, and forward every data to it.


Chaussette is usable either from command-line interface, or as a node module:

Either way, you can install from yarn / npm:

npm install chaussette

If you wish to use it from CLI, you can install it globally:

npm install chaussette -g

CLI usage

chaussette -l 9898 -t example.com -p 9999 -v 2

Using the previous command line, WebSockets will be able to connect to localhost on port 9898. Everything data sent by client over such WebSocket will be then forwarded to example.com, on port 9999.

Options used here are the following:

  • -l (--listenport) port to listen on
  • -t (--target) target to forward data to
  • -p (--targetport) port to forward data to
  • -v (--verbosity) verbosity level:
    • 0: error logs only
    • 1: previous + default and warning logs
    • 2: previous + debug logs

Node module usage

const Chaussette = require('chaussette');

const proxy = new Chaussette({
  listenPort: 9898,
  targetAddr: 'example.com',
  targetPort: 9999,
  verbosity: 1, // optional, default is 0
  logging: {
    // optional, logging options
    format: 'HH-mm-ss', // logs timestamp formatting, default is 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm:ss'

// configures the server and starts listening on port 9898

// preventing forwarding WS client's messages that start with "DO NOT FORWARD:"
proxy.onwsmessage = (message, pairId) => {
  if (message.startsWith('DO NOT FORWARD:'))

// preventing forwarding TCP server's messages that do not start with "FORWARD IT:"
proxy.ontcpmessage = (message, pairId) => {
  if (!message.startsWith('FORWARD IT:'))

Left to do


  • Usage from CLI
  • Usage from NodeJS
  • External messages hooks (ex. 'onmessage' from Chaussette object)
  • Allow WS to provide the host and port to connect to (with default callback)


  • Verbosity levels
  • Colored logs
  • Allow logs options
  • Allow date formatting in logs (dayjs / momentjs ?)
  • Log connected client's informations + on message


  • Send proper closing informations to both ends