
Let Pixi.js support apng, gif images. And allow control of its operation.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Let Pixi.js support apng, gif images. And allow control of its operation.

This repository is a fork of https://github.com/sbfkcel/pixi-apngAndGif

Important changes:

  • Depends on @pixi/* packages
  • The source code was converted to typescript
  • Bundled by webpack




# Support pixi6.0+
npm install @mdudek/pixi-apngandgif
import { Image } from '@mdudek/pixi-apngandgif'
import { Application } from '@pixi/app';
import { Loader, LoaderResource } from '@pixi/loaders';
import { Renderer, BatchRenderer } from '@pixi/core';
import { TickerPlugin } from '@pixi/ticker';

Renderer.registerPlugin('batch', BatchRenderer);
const app = new Application({
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    backgroundAlpha: 0,
    backgroundColor: 0x000000,
    preserveDrawingBuffer: false,
    antialias: false,

const loader = Loader.shared,
    title = document.title,
    loadOption = {
        loadType: LoaderResource.LOAD_TYPE.XHR,
        xhrType: LoaderResource.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.BUFFER,
        crossOrigin: ''
    imgs = {
        gif: 'http://isparta.github.io/compare/image/dongtai/gif/1.gif',
        apng: 'http://isparta.github.io/compare/image/dongtai/apng/1.png'
        // gif:'./1.gif',
        // apng:'./1.png'

loader.add(imgs.gif, loadOption);
loader.add(imgs.apng, loadOption);

loader.load((progress, resources) => {
    document.title = title;

    window['gif'] = new Image(imgs.gif, resources);
    window['apng'] = new Image(imgs.apng, resources);

    let gifSprite = window['gif'].sprite,
        apngSprite = window['apng'].sprite;

    gifSprite.x = 100;
    apngSprite.x = 450;

    gifSprite.y = 160;
    apngSprite.y = 160;



loader.onProgress.add(() => {
    document.title = Math.round(loader.progress).toString();




Play animation boutUsed to specify the number of plays callbackCallback executed after the specified number of plays has been completed


Pause animation


Stop animation


Jump to the specified frame


Get the total duration of an animation single play


Get the number of animation frames


Used to invoke the specified method in the specified phase of the animation statusFour states(playingplayedpausestop) callbackCallback, there is a parameter. The status of the current animation is recorded.