
Helper to troubleshoot problems running tests on Sauce Labs.

Primary LanguageGo


Nethelp will assist with finding out what is blocking outbound connections from the machine by sending HTTP and TCP connections to servies used by Sauce Labs.


  nethelp [flags]

      --api            run API tests.  Requires that you have $SAUCE_USERNAME and $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.
  -h, --help           help for nethelp
      --http           run HTTP tests. Default is to run all tests.
      --log            enables logging to the file specified by the --out flag.
  -l, --lucky          disable the proxy check at startup and instead test the proxy during execution.
  -p, --proxy string   upstream proxy for nethelp to use. Enter like -p protocol://username:password@host:port
      --tcp            run TCP tests. Default is to only run HTTP tests.
  -v, --verbose        print all logging levels


[✓] https://status.saucelabs.com is reachable 200 OK
[✓] https://www.duckduckgo.com is reachable 200 OK
[✓] https://ondemand.saucelabs.com:443 is reachable 200 OK
[✓] http://ondemand.saucelabs.com:80 is reachable 200 OK
[✓] https://us1.appium.testobject.com/wd/hub/session is reachable but returned 401 Unauthorized
[✓] https://eu1.appium.testobject.com/wd/hub/session is reachable but returned 401 Unauthorized
[✓] https://saucelabs.com/rest/v1/max.dobeck/tunnels is reachable 200 OK


Download the binary for your operating system at https://github.com/mdsauce/nethelp/releases. On Mac and Linux make this file executable by running $ chmod 755. For example:

$ chmod 755 nethelp-linux

You may get a permission denied type error if you try and run without this step.


Built using Cobra and go1.11. Cobra is basically a templating tool for CLI and generator for the file structure. Cobra is built on top of pflag which expands on the std library flag package in Go.

  1. Clone the repo.
$ git clone git@github.com:mdsauce/nethelp.git
  1. Go the nethelp dir. Use go build to build a local version in the current dir or go install to install one in the go/bin folder and add the binary to your path.

If you're new to Go consider taking the tour https://tour.golang.org/list.

Next Features

  • run VDC or RDC tests only
  • specify a data center, EU or US