
Primary LanguagePHP

This is a POC for Applitools.

You would need to be in the terminal for these steps

Steps to run:

clone the repository

run the command git clone https://gitlab.com/ranjani.amirth/POC-Applitools.git

run "composer install"

You would need to cd POC-Applitools

Then run the command composer install

start selenium server in a separate tab in the repo you cloned

run the command java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar

In another tab, Execute the testcase in parallel

vendor/bin/paratest -p2 -f -c phpunit.xml --testsuite Paratest --log-junit tmp/Applitools_smokeParallelTest.xml ||:

Run the test :

1. You can change the host name to saucelabs
2. There is one test that passes and another that fails
3. You can duplicate the same suite and run all the 4 tests in parallel using jenkins pipleine to see the sauce failure listing ```