
Test for Elm

Primary LanguageElm


Compiled page is hosted on: https://mdvanes.github.io/elmsta/


Testing out Elm and answering questions like:

  • If Elm can compile to JavaScript, can it be used on the back-end? Would this make any sense? -> does not look like it
  • Integrating State containers (e.g. Redux) -> should not be needed since Elm is prior-art for Redux
  • Integrating Reactive Extensions? 2 minute introduction to Rx by Andre Staltz (“Think of an Observable as an asynchronous immutable array.”)
  • DONE Syntax highlighting in different editors (Webstorm OK, Sublime OK)
  • DONE Integrating Bootstrap (elm bootstrap, Card can't contain arbitrary content)
  • DONE test time travel debug (elm native)
  • Build process (beyond elm-reactor)
  • test Elm Js interop

Open questions

  • String interpolation possible?
  • Test coverage?
  • Time travel debugging: only possible to do move between states or also to export/import?
  • How do modules work? Can I use Webpack? How do I import modules other than Elm (e.g. img/font assets)? -> see https://www.elm-tutorial.org/en/04-starting/03-webpack-1.html
  • How does it integrate into e.g. a pre-existing angular environment? -> You can export as a JavaScript module instead of html and integrate it and interact with it via ports. To be tested.
  • Can I reuse any testing tools like Karma/Testing or is there an alternative?


Run development

  • nvm use 8.0.0
  • npm install -g elm
  • installation: elm package install
  • run: elm reactor (or elm reactor -p 8100)
  • build module for production: elm make app/Main.elm --output=docs/main.js
  • build HTML for production: elm make app/Main.elm --output=docs/test.html

Use case

Input field that autocompletes search results with a list of images from the Getty API.

Example Request:

GET https://api.gettyimages.com/v3/search/images?fields=id,title,thumb,referral_destinations&sort_order=best&phrase=tree

Example Response:

  "result_count": 7634992,
  "images": [
      "id": "675740234",
      "display_sizes": [
          "is_watermarked": false,
          "name": "thumb",
          "uri": "https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/meadow-with-grass-and-apple-trees-in-beautiful-light-picture-id67
      "referral_destinations": [
          "site_name": "thinkstock",
          "uri": "http://www.thinkstockphotos.com/image/stock-photo-meadow-with-grass-and-apple-trees-in-beautiful/67574
          "site_name": "istockphoto",
          "uri": "http://www.istockphoto.com/photo/meadow-with-grass-and-apple-trees-in-beautiful-light-gm675740234-1239
      "title": "meadow with grass and apple trees in beautiful light"