
Source for the tasks I completed (accepted or not) during Google Code-In for the Julia Programming Language.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

⚙️ Google Code-In 2019 | Julia Programming Language

This repository includes sources to all the tasks I worked on (whether claimed or not) during Google Code-In.

Some tasks contains READMEs with links to PR(s) / Issues while other contain code / design / documentation files. This will support the blog I write on my experience in GCI this year.

Julia, you were great !

Emoji Reference Table

Emoji Task Type
🔰 Beginner (Max 2)
👨‍💻 Code
📄 Documentation / Blog
🎨 Design
💡 Production Idea
🎮 Game
Tasks which I personally enjoyed working upon
Technically all, but these ones are really special to me

Tasks (From earliest to latest)

  1. Introduction to the Julia community | 🔰
  2. Implement an exercise for the Julia Exercism Track | 👨‍💻
  3. Download Julia and add a package to an environment | 🔰
  4. Add a Pull Request labeler to Julia packages on GitHub | 📄
  5. Document and Training Text for Machine Learning Models | ⭐ 📄
  6. Write a Twitter Bot in Julia! | ⭐ 👨‍💻
  7. Add the Fashion MNIST model to the Flux model-zoo | ⭐ 👨‍💻
  8. Create a short "Intermediate" level Julia Code Snippet for 30-seconds-of-Julia | 👨‍💻
  9. Create a short "Beginner" level Julia Code Snippet for 30-seconds-of-Julia | 👨‍💻
  10. Create a short "Advanced" level Julia Code Snippet for 30-seconds-of-Julia | 👨‍💻
  11. Draw a scene using Cario.jl/Luxor.jl | ⭐👨‍💻🎨
  12. Benchmarking JuliaImages against other image frameworks | 📄👨‍💻
  13. Complete the Deep Learning with Flux.jl course on JuliaAcademy.org | 📄
  14. Text based Minesweeper game in Julia | 👨‍💻🎮
  15. Design a quiz for the Introduction to Julia course on JuliaAcademy.com | 💡🎨
  16. Complete "The world of Machine Learning with Knet" course on JuliaAcademy.com | 📄
  17. Create a Makie.jl program utilizing as many attributes as possible | 📄👨‍💻
  18. Design a quiz for the World of Machine Learning with Knet course on JuliaAcademy | 💡🎨
  19. Judge books by their cover using Flux.jl | ⭐ 👨‍💻
  20. Write a tic-tac-toe game in Julia | 👨‍💻🎮
  21. Compare SentimentAnalysis models | ⭐ 👨‍💻
  22. Publish a dashboard via Dashboards.jl | 📄👨‍💻
  23. Make a rock-paper-scissors game in Julia without if/else statements | 👨‍💻🎮
  24. Add an additional API Endpoint to StackOverflow.jl | 👨‍💻
  25. Create a two player Hangman game in Julia | 👨‍💻🎮
  26. Create a sample dashboard with Dashboards.jl | 👨‍💻
  27. Post a question and answer on Stackoverflow.com with the Julia Tag | 📄👨‍💻
  28. Implement fonts for more languages for SenseHat.jl | 📄
  29. Design a one page summary of the Deep Learning with Flux.jl course on JuliaAcademy | ⭐👨‍💻🎨

EDIT: Ok so I became a Finalist. If it weren't for my ACT and the malaria attack I suffered from during the course of GCI, maybe I could have pushed to a Runner-Up. Nevertheless, WooHoo. I get a jacket. nice.

Special thanks to the dope friends I made during the course of GCI! @soumitradev, @fungktt and @chinglamchoi!

You guys are awesome (mostly for listening to my rants.)