
C# mode adds a simple C# syntax highlight for the Coda 2 editor from Panic.

Coda 2 Editor C# mode


Over the last months I had to write in C# on a OS X machine and found that working with Mono on OS X in a IDE and switching back and forth to the terminal to compile it, wasn't comfortable. Since I use Panics Coda 2 for other development I knew the split screen mode, which I wanted to use for writing C# and compiling it in the same application.

I found and used the basic layout from Renaud Gaudins C# mode. Since it is from 2005 it does not work with the current Coda version (2.5.10). I tweaked it, added some C# syntax and additional some parts from the C# mode from The Coding Monkeys SubEthaEdit, which is not compatible with Coda 2. (I asked them for permission to use and publish it.)

Additional Information

This mode was hacked together so it still needs some work - Please consider that before installing it. The C# numeric syntax highlight uses the CSS highlight from Coda, so you have to change the CSS numeric color to change the C# numeric color.

New in Version 1.1

  1. Added System Namespaces
    • System
  • System.Collections
    • System.Collections.Generic
  • System.ComponentModel
  • System.Data
  • System.Drawing
  • System.Linq
  • System.Text
  • System.Threading
  • System.Windows.Forms
  • System.IO
  • System.Xaml
  • System.Xml
  1. Added Interfaces
    • IAsyncResult
    • ICloneable
    • IComparable
    • IConvertible
    • ICustomFormatter
    • IDisposable
    • IEquatable
    • IFormatProvider
    • IFormattable
    • IObservable
    • IServiceProvider