Pinned issues
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[BUG] Incorrect link tooltip during mouse selection
#721 opened by petyosi - 0
nested list item markers
#719 opened by megantaylor - 6
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- 1
Allow `markdownShortcutsPlugin` to insert nodes on newline without pressing SPACE (or document how to)
#716 opened by 0x0f0f0f - 1
[BUG] incorrect escaping on decorators
#711 opened by yosef-ai-work - 1
[BUG]Unexpected Application Error! Minified Lexical error #162; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
#710 opened by vamshidhar-cb - 1
Buttons in table popover toolbar are not working
#709 opened by mustan1653 - 12
[BUG] Extraneous newlines truncated on load
#639 opened by rbbydotdev - 1
[BUG] editor getting a lot slower when a lot of things are typed in it
#685 opened by CrackedResearcher - 1
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#696 opened by mladen-orsolic - 1
[BUG] Link dialog stays when switching view modes
#695 opened by FarSeeing - 2
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[Bug] Ordered lists generate markdown with extra linebreaks between different nodes
#694 opened by yosef-ai-work - 4
[BUG] lists generate markdown with extra linebreaks between different nodes
#693 opened by yosef-ai-work - 6
- 1
- 2
[BUG]: leftover console message from latest commit
#682 opened by Tylll3Hka - 2
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[BUG] ListItem content gets wrapped into a paragraph that results in the broken Markdown code
#677 opened by FarSeeing - 2
[BUG] CodeMirror block insertion in list item results in wrong insertion point
#673 opened by FarSeeing - 0
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[BUG] Clicking on a Link does not open it.
#671 opened by andyfelder16 - 4
[BUG] applyBlockType$ not working
#667 opened by andyfelder16 - 1
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[BUG] Discord invite link broken on
#664 opened by ziggycross - 3
Cannot assign to read only property 'key' of object '#
#661 opened by nsqnsq - 2
[BUG] two paragraphs being added to the editor when using setMarkdown with empty string
#642 opened by aduccig - 2
[BUG] Multi line Quotes are not imported correctly
#659 opened by tautvilas - 0
[BUG] Undo/Redo navigation tool bar buttons not working after inserting code block
#654 opened by sofiane-abou-abderrahim - 6
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[BUG] Attempted import error: 'INJECT_MESSAGE_TYPE' is not exported from '@codesandbox/nodebox'
#651 opened by Romain-Constant - 3
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[BUG] Table nesting is broken, the editor seems to support it, but the generated markdown does not
#650 opened by vinczemarton - 1
transforming JsxEditorProps
#648 opened by uncor3 - 1
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[BUG] Safari: Wrong cursor placement
#624 opened by mnlkrs - 1
[BUG] (cmd/ctrl)+a (Select All) in rich-text view, then delete/backspace deletes front-matter
#611 opened by rbbydotdev - 0
[BUG] Quote in Quote breaking in Source mode
#622 opened by tsuzumiC - 0
[BUG] Quote shortcode '>' only works if quotePlugin is initialized before markdownShortcutPlugin()
#620 opened by MichielvanBeers - 0