
a clone of https://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/cassandra-pdo

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Pretty much very experimental PDO driver for Cassandra CQL.


  • PHP and PDO
  • Thrift
  • Boost (shared_ptr)

How to build?

First install thrift from http://thrift.apache.org/download/. Thrift should depend on boost shared_ptr so while installing thrift you are installing rest of the dependencies for pdo_cassandra (apart from PHP and PDO of course).

pdo_cassandra ./configure script takes the following options:

  • --with-pdo-cassandra[=FILE] where file is optional path to Cassandra Thrift definitions file. The file is bundled with the package so it is unlikely that alternative file is needed unless testing new versions.

  • --with-thrift-dir[=DIR] can be used to specify 'non-standard' thrift installation prefix.

  • --with-boost-dir[=DIR] can be used to specify 'non-standard' boost installation prefix.

Running tests

After a successful build tests can be executed using an instance of Cassandra. Default config for Cassandra should be fine.

Before make test:

$ cp tests/config.inc-dist tests/config.inc
$ $EDITOR tests/config.inc

This is to prevent accidentally dropping keyspaces that might in use.


The DSN format is as follows:

  • "cassandra:host=;port=9160"

Multiple hosts can be specified using the following format:

  • "cassandra:host=;port=9160,host=localhost;port=9160"

Prepared statements

CQL doesn't support prepared statements so PDO emulation layer is used for this. Notice that quoting of the identifiers is simple 'addslashes' call on the data and isn't necessarily as safe as prepared statements.

It is also important to specify the types of the bound parameters as (string) "1" might get convert to a string value internally even though integer might be more appropriated.


Transactions are not supported and calling PDO::beginTransaction will result in an exception.


Pull requests containing fixes and/or additional tests are highly appreciated.

Handling large integers

This driver will try to convert integers to PHP data types unless PDO_CASSANDRA_ATTR_PRESERVE_VALUES is used. If an overflow would happen, PHP_INT_MAX is returned and an error is raised. Note that by default PDO will silently ignore the error, unless error mode is set to exceptions.

Driver specific attributes for PDO::setAttribute

PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_NUM_RETRIES integer The amount of connection retries
PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_RETRY_INTERVAL integer Sets how many times to keep retrying a host before marking it as down.
PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILURES integer Sets how many times to keep retrying a host before marking it as down.
PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_LINGER integer How long does the socket linger after it's being closed
PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_NO_DELAY boolean Whether to enable/disable Nagle algorithm
PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_CONN_TIMEOUT integer Connection timeout
PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_RECV_TIMEOUT integer Receive timeout
PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_COMPRESSION boolean Whether to enable/disable compression
PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_THRIFT_DEBUG boolean Converts thrift debug output into PHP warnings
PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_PRESERVE_VALUES boolean Preserves values as they come from Cassandra

The constructor honours the following options

These options can be passed in the fourth argument for PDO constructor

PDO_ATTR_TIMEOUT Connection timeout value
PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_THRIFT_DEBUG Converts thrift debug output into PHP warnings
PDO::CASSANDRA_ATTR_PRESERVE_VALUES boolean Preserves values as they come from Cassandra