
MagickMan is a Rails front-end manager for ImageMagick or any scriptable image processor.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Magickman for Rails

MagickMan is a Rails front-end manager for ImageMagick or any scriptable image processor. The installation of ImageMagick varies between platforms, please consult the documentation for your platform.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'magickman', :git => "git@github.com:mdykman/magickman.git"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install magickman-{version}.gem
 	=> install magickman library

$ rails generate magickman [prefix] [resource_path]
	=> defaults: /magick, /public/images
	=> generate initializer to define the route, manually define styles (default: small, medium, large)
	=> controller to handle the requests

Once the generator has been run and the server restarted, you may review available configuration types at http://mydevhost:port/magickman/manage


* templates use
* image generation
* not-found handling
* configuration

template use

Once installed, on-demand image processing can take place by using the special helper tag: 'magick_tag'. Use is very similar to the standard 'image_tag' with the exception that it takes a 'format' argument.

<%= magick_tag "magickman.jpg", :medium %>

can be used wherever the following would work

<%= image_tag "magickman.jpg" %>

magick_tag uses image_tag for the actual tag rendering and therefore supports all the options that image_tag does.

image generation

New images are generated at the instigation of the magickman controller after it has searched the resource paths for the requested image, always preferring to reuse existing images rather than generate new ones. If the requested images is not found, it tests the file name against expected format names. If is determined to be a 'derivable' image, it searches image resource paths for a potential source image. If one is found, the appropriate transformation is applied and the resulitng image served. That same image will be reused on subsequent requests.

Under the default configuration, all newly created files are put in public/.

not-found handling

magickman allows a custom not-found image on a per-type basis, via config[:notfoundtypes].
It is assumed that files specified here have been pre-formatted according to their format type and therfore are not processed before serving.

There is a fall back not-found image at config[:notfound] which will be processed according to the requested format upon request. These configuration values may be updated via user values. The not-found image provided is intended to be a convenience, not a recommendation.

THe status codes returned in a not found situation vary depending upon configuration. If no appropriate :notfoundtypes or :notfound image is configured, failure to find an image or a useable source with result in a Rails::RoutingError which delivers a 404.

If a suitable not-found image can be found, the exact behaviour depends on the value of config[:strict]. When this is set to 'false' (the deault), a not-found event results in a 303 redirect to the not-found resource. This assures that the 'not-found' image will be displayed in every image-aware client. When config[:strict] is true, a 404 is issued with the not-found image in the body. This will display properly on most clients, but some clients may choose to ignore the content of 404 responses on resource requests.


* formats
* input control
* output control


Formats are specified in config/initializers/magickman.rb which is created with the generator at installation (see above). They may be modified or added to provide a variety of custom formats according to your needs.

Formats are divided into 2 classes: format string which begin with '-' are evaluated as option string to be passed to the imagemagick 'convert' program. This is a powerful program which serves a wide variety of cases in a single command.

$ convert $formatstring $sourceimg $targetimg

For a format string :large =>"-resize 400x400>", requesting image 'foo.large.jpg', the command will be

$ convert -resize 400x400\> assets/images/foo.jpg public/foo.large.jpg

assuming that foo.jpg has been located in assets/images/

custom scripts

When the format string does not begin with '-', it is assumed to be a custom script. For a format string :watermark =>"/usr/local/bin/watermark.rb", the command will be:

$ /usr/local/bin/watermark.rb assets/images/foo.jpg public/foo.large.jpg

Custom scripts may be used to execute more complex image processing than can be compressed into a single call to 'convert' and can be in any language.
They should take input and output files from the command line arguments and exit with 0 upon success for maximum compatability. It is expected that the output image has been created or at least exists before a custom script signals successful termination. THis will guarantee maximum compatability.

defaults formats
:thumb =>  '-resize 50x50\>',
:small =>  '-resize 100x100\>',
:medium => '-resize 200x200\>',
:large =>  '-resize 400x400\>',

:ct => '-resize 50x50^ -gravity center -extent 50x50',
:cs => '-resize 100x100^ -gravity center -extent 100x100',
:cm => '-resize 200x200^ -gravity center -extent 200x200',
:cl => '-resize 400x400^ -gravity center -extent 400x400'

input control

  • conf[:types] the type of images magickman will try to convert. default: %W[jpg png]
  • conf[:source] the directory which will always be searched for source images. default: public/
  • conf[:ignorestd] if set to true only conf[:source] will be searched for source images, app/assets etc. will be ignored

output control

By default, all generated images are placed in public/. This is the same folder that the controller searches first when images are requested which assures that pre-generated images will always be used before a transformation is executed to derive a new one.

  • conf[:target] may be modified to use another fodler, if so preferred.
  • conf[:preferred] by default, the generated file will be of the same type as the source unless :preferred] has been set to one of the allowable types, in which case all generated files will be coerced to that type


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request