go-hmccu provides functionality in the programming language Go to communicate with the CCU of the HomeMatic home automation system. Data points can be explored, read and written.
This programme can be used to read out the meta information on devices and channels from a CCU interface process.
In order for the interface processes to be accessible via the network, the firewall must be set accordingly on the CCU and the authentication for the interface processes must be deactivated.
usage of device-info:
-ccu address
address of the CCU (default "")
-device address
address (serial no.) of a CCU device/channel (default "BidCoS-RF:1")
list all devices
-log severity
specifies the minimum severity of printed log messages: off, error, warning, info, debug or trace (default INFO)
-port number
port number of the CCU interface process: e.g. 2000 (BidCos-Wired), 2001 (BidCos-RF), 2010 (HmIP-RF), 8701 (CUxD), 2121 (CCU-Jack) (default 2001)
- Mathias Dz.
- twendt (BIN-RPC for CUxD)
This work is licensed under the GNU General Public License V3.
- BIN-RPC implementation for NodeJS by Sebastian Raff (https://github.com/hobbyquaker/binrpc)