
Click this link see live project: Project live link.

Project Features:

  • All page ->

    1. Homepage
    2. Blog page
    3. 404 Page
    4. Purchase single Page
    5. Blog single Page
  • Home page ->

    1. Header
    2. Banner section
    3. Product section
    4. Capabilities section
    5. BUSINESS section
    6. REVIEWS section
    7. Call to action section
    8. Footer 4 column section
    9. copy right section
  • Protfolio section ->

    1. name
    2. email,
    3. address
    4. others information
  • Product section ->

    1. name
    2. Price,
    3. description
    4. Quantity
    5. Minimum Order Quantity
    6. Buy now button
  • Blog page -> 5 type blog posts

    1. Post Title
    2. Description
    3. Thumbnail
    4. Read more button
  • Blog Single page -> when user click read more button go to single post page.

  • Home Page in product section : When user click any store update button then redirect to purchase page. If user in log in then redirect to purchase single page. if user is not logged in then redirect to login page.

  • Login Page

  • Sign up page

  • Firebase Authentication

    1. Email, password Sign up and Login
    2. Google Account Sign in
  • Technologies use

    1. Firebase authentication
    2. react firebase authentication hook
    3. daisyui
    4. Google font use Poppins
    5. React router dom
    6. React toastify
    7. react-hook-form
    8. axios
    9. react-query
    10. sweetalert2
    11. react-icons