
Ubuntu server 19.10 image with Docker and Databox installed for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B


Ubuntu Server 19.10 image, with Docker and Databox installed, for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

This image was built based on the official release of Ubuntu Server 19.10, with Docker 19.03.2 and Databox 0.5.2 installed.

Bug fixes

  1. The USB bug in the official release was fixed by updating the kernel following the steps in #25 in the bug report.
  2. The keyboard layout was fixed to UK keyboard.



How to use this image?

You need an SD card and to follow the official instructions to use this image.

Login name and password

login: ubuntu

default password: databoxubuntu

NOTE: Once you have logged in, change your password by sudo passwd ubuntu

How to run Databox using this image?

The Makefile in the directory ~/databox can help you start (make start-box), stop (make stop-box), or restart (make restart-box) Databox. Be carefull that make clean-all will clean ALL the Docker containers, images, and volumes.

Before start Databox, take a record of the IP address of your Pi 4 (it should be shown on the terminal after you login, or you can use command ip addr to find it). Once you have started Databox on your Pi 4, you can use a browser on another computer to access the Databox through the ip address.