Load the turbocell and build a production grade web application instantly.
Nextjs 13.5 App Router Implementation - Upgraded to Next.js 13.5 for enhanced routing and server/client components.
Express App - Fully implemented Express app with routing and session-based-authentication implemented via express-session
Next-auth OAuth Providers - Enabled OAuth authentication with Next-auth for secure user logins.
Trpc w/ App Router - Implemented type-safe RPC with the App Router using fetch adapter.
Dark Mode - Added dark and light mode for a better user experience.
Sonner - Integrated user and developer-friendly toast notifications.
Trpc Private and Public Procedure - Replaced the need for basic trpc context for session details and added API protection.
Prisma & Zod generator - Used Prisma's type generator for type safety and enhanced API logic development.
Functional Api Endpoints - Separated business logic from trpc routers, promoting MVC architecture.
Tooling workspace - Managed tools like tailwind, eslint, and tsconfig separately from the packages workspace.
Shadcn Integration - Integrated the powerful Unstyled non-component UI library.
12 workspace projects
- apps/web - nextjs 13.5 app router app
- apps/express-server - a well implemented monorepo-based express app with session-based-authentication
- packages/api - api-endpoint-logic, server, trpc
- packages/auth - next-auth
- packages/db - prisma and zod generators
- packages/shadcn - unstyled UI library, radix UI, provides simplicity
- packages/ui - components and layouts
- packages/utils - shared utilities across projects
- tooling/eslint - linting tool
- tooling/typescript - tsconfigs
- tooling/tailwind - tailwind config, global CSS, and CSS variables
- Next-Auth Credentials Provider
- Docs
- Feature for switching between light and dark mode both
- Fix Bugs and Issues