
No elf file in Arduin IDE tools to start EspExceptionDecoder

Chirag7778 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am Using Arduino IDE for ESP32 on Windows 8.1 machine and recently I have installed EspExceptionDecoder by followed below procedure,

  • Downloaded the tool archive from releases page.
  • In your Arduino sketchbook directory, Unpack the tool into tools directory (the path will look like <home_dir>/Arduino/tools/EspExceptionDecoder/tool/EspExceptionDecoder.jar).
  • Restart Arduino IDE.

After restart I am able to see Tools > ESP Exception Decoder menu item but when I selected menu this will open a new window and asked for elf file. I have no idea which file I have to provide. So can anyone help me to solve this problem?

The problem solved after I have connected my ESP32 device. I have uploaded sketch to device and after that Follow same procedure to open ESP Exception Decoder and this time I am able to see windows as shown in file.