- 0
standlone version of espExceptionDecoder (pyqtui)
#95 opened by Trion - 8
Select ELF?
#69 opened by SteveRMann - 6
Arduino IDE 2.0.3
#91 opened by Abhay-2412 - 7
- 4
Standalone Version Without Arduino IDE?
#87 opened by wachidsusilo - 0
Sharing of EspExceptionDecoder
#94 opened by aeonSolutions - 2
how to add EspExceptionDecoder to the arduino-ide_2.0.2_Linux_64bit.AppImage tools directory
#86 opened by mylinux909 - 0
Writing to SD Card on M5StickC occasionally crashes
#93 opened by n0xa - 0
ESP32 - Arch Not Found and Target Not found
#92 opened by konacurrents - 0
Ficeto ????
#90 opened by Dario-Ciceri - 12
- 3
Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile
#88 opened by alorbach - 6
- 3
Fix docs to include where to put files on Mac
#83 opened by mclate - 14
Decode failed with generated package_xx_index.json
#79 opened by tobozo - 2
Arduino IDE 2.0.1
#85 opened by podaen - 2
unclear instruction
#84 opened by Patsjemoe - 2
Arduino IDE 2
#63 opened by VladimirVecera - 1
Don't know what is going on here
#82 opened by podaen - 1
unpack path error
#71 opened by scotfor - 1
unknown exception
#81 opened by podaen - 1
Arch Not Found for ESP32 Wrover Module
#78 opened by gorghino - 1
ERROR: null-esp32-elf-gdb not found!
#77 opened by vicatcu - 13
Decode Failed
#76 opened by Grutsch - 9
ERROR: null-esp32-elf-gdb.exe not found!
#75 opened by Aviortheking - 1
ESP32 C3 (RiscV) support
#66 opened by pilnikov - 3
ERROR: null-esp32-elf-gdb.exe not found!
#74 opened by IsaacFroes - 1
Arch Not Found for ESP32 Dev Module
#73 opened by harshalpt25 - 3
- 1
Decode Failed message when decoding
#70 opened by pwells13 - 1
Don't understand the output
#67 opened by yoav-klein - 0
- 0
- 3
ESP8266 2.6.3 and ELF file
#52 opened by array81 - 1
I got nothing in the decode window
#62 opened by ilium007 - 3
Need Help :File Extension is JAVA instead jar
#60 opened by joko2020 - 1
Tracker exception not working as expceted
#61 opened by roysG - 5
Running on Windows10
#57 opened by kurtwerbrouck - 0
display on 4k screen
#59 opened by Llaves - 0
#58 opened by frankyisfix - 13
- 1
- 2
Doesn't show up on Win8 IDE1.8.8
#48 opened by MattLogue - 0
Bad jar file
#56 opened by CloneTV - 9
How to make this work in PlatformIO
#47 opened by starlino - 2
How To: Install and use
#50 opened by eabase - 0
Request stand alone and VSCode builds
#51 opened by i3130002 - 0
Please include the JAR file in ZIP download
#49 opened by mickeypop - 1
WiFi Status Not Updated on Disconnect
#45 opened by RijadBajramovic - 1