Arduino IDE 2.0.1
podaen opened this issue · 2 comments
podaen commented
Hi, I have the exception decoder working in IDE 1... Because of the need to use IDE 2.0.1 I copied the file as I did before, but nothing shows up in the menu. The pad is correct Arduino\tools\EspExceptionDecoder\tool\EspExceptionDecoder.jar. It is the latest I download on feb 2022 and I am using windows. The print screens I see in the explanation is IDE 1, so can it be that it's not config yet for IDE 2? Thanks!
LeKing233 commented
yeh,I meet the same question. May be it's just not config to the new version?
Hasi123 commented
Yeah, not working in IDE 2
edit. appears to be an IDE issue: arduino/arduino-ide#58