Can this run on windows? I'm on Win 10 Pro and it is asking me for elf lol
tedlu-tw opened this issue ยท 13 comments
Yes it runs on Win 10 Pro
Can you provide more context ? Are you using Arduino IDE, or Platformio, for instance?
@reivaxy I am using Arduino IDE and it is just asking me if I got some ELF file and idk what just happened haha
did you compile the sketch ?
also this isn't the code i am using lol
Well, if you don't compile, you won't have the elf file...
But if you don't compile, you don't run, and then you don't need EspExceptionDecoder
AHA gottem, tks man
@Sax-Ted are you able to use this tool on windows (10 i assume)?
Same here, would be great if it would tell something about "please compile first" instead of "select elf" :-)
How do you have a stack trace if you haven't compiled and run the code first?
How do you have a stack trace if you haven't compiled and run the code first?
In my case, the fact that I had already uploaded code that caused my ESP32 to throw an error stack trace is the thing that led me to Google and find this tool in the first place - so, I have already compiled and uploaded the code on my board, and simply enabling the serial monitor allows me to copy and receive the stack trace - it wasn't clear from the instructions of the description of "Select .elf file" that an additional compilation is required after having installed the tool