
KISS and BetaFlight GUI on ESP8266

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


KISS and BetaFlight GUI on ESP8266

What is this?

  • Simple sketch for ESP8266 Arduino that uses asyncronous networking to provide web and some other services
  • Transparent WebSocket <=> UART
  • inlined, optimized and gzipped version of KISSFC_GUI_Dshot_T8
  • inlined, optimized and gzipped version of Betaflight Configurator

Why did you do this?

  • Got really sick of having to carry a laptop to the field, just to change pid or recalibrate something
  • ESP8266 has really evolved and is able to take on the load
  • Various small ESP8266 based modules are available for close to nothing
  • I carry a small computer in the form of smartphone everywhere
  • Phone apps lack functionality and lag on implementation
  • It's easy to do

I want to try it!


Compiling and upload

  • Fullfill all requirements above
  • Clone or download this repository to your computer
  • Sketch ino and folder name MUST match
  • Open the ino sketch with Arduino IDE
  • Connect the ESP8266 module to your computer via USB
  • Edit definitions in fc_config.h to your liking
  • Select the following options for board in Arduino IDE
    • Board: Core Development Module
    • Flash Mode: QIO or DIO (depends on flash chip type)
    • Flash Size: 4M (3M SPIFFS)
    • Debug Port: Disabled
    • Debug Level: None
    • LwIP Variant: Prebuilt Source (gcc)
    • Reset Method: ck or nodemcu (depends on ESP module reset circuit)
    • Flash Frequency: 80MHz
    • CPU Frequency: 160 MHz
    • Upload Speed: 115200 (some can do 921600)
    • Port: Select the serial port of the ESP module
  • Compile and upload the sketch
  • From the "Tools" menu, select "ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload" to upload the web contents
  • Restart the ESP to apply the new file system image

Cool! Then what?

Connecting the module to your quad

  • Select module that can accept 5 volts or get separate LDO to 3.3V for the ESP
  • Connect
    1. ESP GND > FC GND
    2. ESP 5V > FC 5V (select pin that is also powered by the USB, if available)
    3. ESP TX > FC RX (UART port that you do not use and have configured for Telemetry/MSP)
    4. ESP RX > FC TX (Same port as above)

On my KISS quad, I also have OSD, so I use the GUI only when connected through USB to a power bank.

Using the AP defined in fc_config.h

  • Power the ESP module
  • Connect to it's Access Point
  • Try to open any website. It should forward you to the main page

Using your WiFi at home (STA_SSID must be defined in fc_config.h)

  • Power the ESP module
  • Windows
    • Check for the ESP in the Network Browser and doubliclick it
    • Or just open a browser to http://esp8266fcgui (the value of AP_SSID in fc_config.h)
  • Mac and Linux
  • The sketch is Arduino OTA enabled, which means that when at home, you can update the firmware/file system over WiFi


All web content is created by the KISS and BetaFlight teams. This a cut-down version of their work.

Screen Shots

Arduino IDE Settings



Network Browser


Web Browser


Mac and Linux

Web Browser



image image image

