
Node Js Weather App is a simple module for obtaining weather information

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Js Weather App

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Node Js Weather App is a simple module for obtaining weather information.

Use as a CLI Tool


You need to have NodeJS installed in your machine.

Add to CLI

  • Clone the repository.
  • Go to the repository folder and run the following command in your terminal:
npm link


Now you can just run the following in terminal:


By default you'll get current weather of Dhaka City.

If you want to get weather of a different city, run:

weather -c CITY_NAME

Use as a Library


npm install nodejs-weather-app


This library exposes two methods:

  • getWeather, which will return a Promise
  • printWeather, which will show the output as a readable message

For example, you can use the library like this:

var nodejsWeatherApp = require('nodejs-weather-app');

nodejsWeatherApp.getWeather().then(val => {

If you don't specify any city and run the code, you will get Dhaka city temperature.

Output :

Current Temperature in Dhaka is 24.6°C

If you want to get specific city temperature, then pass the city name as a parameter of getWeather method:

var nodejsWeatherApp = require('nodejs-weather-app');

nodejsWeatherApp.getWeather('New York').then(val => {

Output :

Current Temperature in New York is 7.82°C

Basically, when the getWeather Promise will be resolved it will give a detailed weather object. So, you can easily modify it if necessary.

Like following:

var nodejsWeatherApp = require('nodejs-weather-app');

nodejsWeatherApp.getWeather().then(val => {

function printWeather(weather) {
	let message = `Temperature in ${weather.name} is ${weather.main.temp}°C`;


If you want to see the full weather object, try this:

function printWeather(weather) {

Output :

  "coord": {
    "lon": 85.17,
    "lat": 26.67
  "weather": [
      "id": 803,
      "main": "Clouds",
      "description": "broken clouds",
      "icon": "04n"
  "base": "stations",
  "main": {
    "temp": 20.73,
    "pressure": 1016.99,
    "humidity": 92,
    "temp_min": 20.73,
    "temp_max": 20.73,
    "sea_level": 1023.25,
    "grnd_level": 1016.99
  "wind": {
    "speed": 4.26,
    "deg": 98.5038
  "clouds": {
    "all": 68
  "dt": 1525197016,
  "sys": {
    "message": 0.002,
    "country": "IN",
    "sunrise": 1525131665,
    "sunset": 1525179120
  "id": 1273043,
  "name": "Dhaka",
  "cod": 200


Node Js Weather App is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license